For whom?

Seminar is devoted to all high school as well as to primary school teachers of mathematics and to all those who love, like or only consider mathematics to be important... Seminar has very long tradition. It has been a regular (twice a year) national meeting of mathematics teachers at least since 1989, while its beginnings are much older and somehow coincide with the establishment of Ljubljana University in 1919 and its first rector and mathematician Josip Plemelj (1873-1967). Seminar has a well-organized web archive since 1989.

Seminar is open to everybody. Also teachers of other subjects, parents, students, ... are warmly invited to the lectures of general educational and humanistic content.

Short description:

Seminar meets twice a year. The first part is in September, the second by the end of January or in the beginning of February. Each time the seminar meets on Friday and Saturday from 9AM to 4PM. The seminar consists of lectures and workshops. The content covers interesting and elementary mathematics oriented themes, educational mathematics issues, historical mathematics perspectives and also general humanistic and educational ideas that are interesting to (mathematics) teachers.

In the archive of the Seminar there are several hundreds of lectures and several hundreds of lecturers. Besides wide range of mathematics titles we have had impressive lectures covering physics, music, medicine, psychology, rhetoric, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, law, ethics, ... Lecturers are chosen between top Slovenian scientists, teachers and public figures. We have hosted also prominent international speakers like professor Robert P. Burn, Open University and University of Exeter, or world renown neuroscientist and psychiatrist professor Manfred Spitzer, University of Ulm. In short, we nurture all intellectual themes that are important for teaching and for mathematics as ALMA MATER of sciences.

Seminar meets at the premises of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Jadranska 19, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

More specific information can be found via bellow (Slovenian) links:

Main page     Archive     Overview    

